Registration of new sensors

From the “services” drop down button of the admin interface (http://localhost/istsos/admin ) choose the desired instance.


Before registering new sensors it’s advised to initialize observed properties and unit of measures.

Define new observed properties with the GUI

Define an observed property


Fill in the form using appropriate information.


Name: air-temperature
Definition URN: urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:meteo:air:temperature
Description: air temperature at 2 meters above terrain
Correct Quality Index: Between -60 and 100

Define new unit of measure with the GUI

Define a unit of measure


Fill in the form using appropriate information.


Code: mm
Description: millimeter

Registering new procedure from scratch with the GUI

Add a new procedure (sensor)



Once a procedure is created the outputs (observed properties) cannot be changed.

Fill in the form using appropriate information.


Optional parameters: Fill at your own need and willing


Register the new sensor (procedure) pressing the “submit” button.

Example (minimal configuration)

Description: temperature weather station in Lugano
Keywords: weather, meteorological, IST
System type: insitu-fixed-point
Sensor type: PTC thermistors of the “switching” type
EPSG: 4326
Coordinates: x: 8.96127 y: 46.02723 z: 344.1

Outputs (confirm the outputs pressing the “add” button):

Observed property: urn:ogc:def:parameter:x-istsos:1.0:meteo:air:temperature
Unit of measure: °C
Description (optional): conversion from resistance to temperature
quality index check (optional): Between / from -40 to +60

Register a new sensor by copying metadata from an existing sensor using the “copy from”

Look at the tool for “copy configuration from existing procedure”. Choose the procedure T_LUGANO and press “Fill form”


Select an existing sensor (procedure) from a given service and offering and then press the fill form button.

At minimal you shall use a new sensor Name and Description. If needed you can change the fields, in particular the Outputs section.


before of adding the new observed property remove all the existng that are no more needed (e.g.: if you copy from a sensor which observes temperature and you want to create one observing precipitation, first you have to remove the temperature from the outputs and then add the precipitation.)


Procedures with multiple observed properties

Is it possible to add new procedures observing more than one properties, but in istSOS this means that for each observation instant we have a list all the observed properties values.

e.g.: if a procedure that observes temperature (T), humidity (H) and rain (R) is created the time series will always have a list of 3 values [T,H,R] for each instant. If you try to insert an observation with two only values it will raise an exception.

Verify the inserted procedures using the administration interface

Check your procedures by accessing the “Procedures” panel.


You will see a table showing an abstract of all the inserted procedures. By clicking on the name you will be able to enter the details metadata that you configured during the procedure registration.


The “Procedures” panel not only allows for procedures and metadata exploration but also allows details modification. The only exception are the outputs parameters which cannot be modified.

Verify the inserted procedures using the Sensor Observation Service requests

Try to execute a getCapabilities request to verify if procedures are now available. You can use the “Requests” test page where some samples are already present.


Select your desired service and then choose “GET > GetCapabilities” option and modify the section parameter so that it to contain just the “contents” option the request to be like this:


Let’s execute a describeSensor request to verify that the procedure description is available, here we use T_LUGANO for the sensor name but you should replace it with the name of your procedure:
